Conducting Debt Warfare
for Veterans

Volunteer Needed for On-boarding, Admin, and Social - Email

Imagine Your Debt at 27%
Then Imagine It Gone was founded to help military veteran servicemen and servicewomen destroy their crushing debt!  No more paying multiple bills, no more paying outrageous interest rates! 

The process is simple.
And the debt reduction is simple.
We handle it all!

Key Info About Debt

The Debt Program from
Specifically designed to help veterans by paying down your numerous debts, such as credit cards, and drastically reducing the money you pay each month.

What to know
You are probably spending too much money on interest.  Credit cards are especially expensive - currently averaging almost 18% interest... Paying off debt like that may never happen if your interest rates are sky high!   

A Common Example
If you have two credit cards, two used vehicle loans, and a personal loan it might look like this:
Credit card #1 with a $2000 balance at 15% interest rate
Credit card #2 with a $3000 balance at 21% interest rate
Used vehicle #1 with a four year loan and a $20,000 balance at 10% interest rate
Used vehicle #2 with a four year loan and a $25,000 balance at 12% interest rate
Personal loan with a three year payback and a $2000 balance at 20% interest rate...

So It Would Likely Take
$31 per month, more than 7 1/2 years, and $2800 to pay credit card #1
$41 per month, more than 10 years, 4 months, and $5100 to pay credit card #2
More than $500 per month and $24,000 total for used vehicle #1
More than $650 per month and $31,500 for used vehicle #2
$75 per month and $2700 total for the personal loan.

How Much Does That Add Up To Each Month?
$1300 per month - and you haven't paid rent/mortgage or bought groceries yet!
and in total it adds up to...
More than $66,000! But you only ever borrowed $52,000!
So you paid $14,000 extra for those loans!

What if helped you eliminate your debt?

We work hard to pay-off veteran debt.

Contact us today to see what's possible

If you think the Debt Program with is interesting to you, please contact us today.  To be honest, we only have the ability to on-board a limited number of people currently!  So please email at, and please spread the good word about our service to you - the Servicemember! is proud to say it has partnered with The OIC Holding Firm to increase's impact!